不動産屋.com について


Zweispace porovides real estate industry web applications. Zweispace Projects is the platform for people who has lands or about to have lands to evaluate the construction and resale opportunity after completing projects. Also, Realestate investor can find potentail projects throug our partner realtor world wide.



Buyer may find attractive real estate construction projects, about to finish or about to start. Building by yourself on your land will provide extra profiting opportunity directly involved in construction itself. With the help of construction specialist, designer, realtor, construction managers, you may find it’s easier than you thought before. Pick the good location and projects with detailed and deep enough discussion with your favorite realtor, among our zweispace selected partners.

Land Owner

Zweispace offers our own proprietary application “Autocalc” the AI plan generator to optimize the estimated rentroll. Member can use multiple types including parking space, Apartments with first floor CSV, offices. We track the real rental market price and offers machine generated adjusted estimation to the given land.

We offer disaster calculation for potential insurance calculation. For detail please contact us.


We ofer token for each App usage. We are launching this site as beta virsion. We are planing to offer this platform and with fee basis.

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